Our Company Certification


Quality is high up on our agenda. Our QESH (Quality, Environment, Safety and Health) department assures that Drews Marine obtains and retains all necessary certifications for operating in the global shipbuilding industry.


GTGA stand for Güte- und Überwachungsgemeinschaft Technische Gebäudesrüstung e. V. and is a quality and monitoring association that certifies companies in the field of technical equipment to specialist companies in accordance with the Wasserhaushaltsgesetz (WHG) and monitors compliance with qualitative standards.


Handelskammer Hamburg (HK) offers advice and services companies in Hamburg. Drews Marine is provided with the training certificate. This certificate indicates that our company is one of the 6,000 training companies that ensure quality in dual education.


Drews Marine is greatly acknowledged as a prime service and maintenance partner of Hoshizaki ice machines in Germany. Hoshizaki is one of the most trusted names in commercial ice machines, also used on board vessels.


Contact us
Drews Marine GmbH
Billbrookdeich 151
D - 22113 Hamburg, Germany

  +49 (0)40 731 680
  +49 (0)40 736 716 74